Early diagnosis and specific treatments
Early diagnosis of an oro-dental rare disease means the patient can be treated even sooner. It is also important to bear in mind that treatment can vary depending on the age of the patient, whether a child or adult.
Make an appointment for a diagnosis
What is a cohort?
Oro-Dental Rare Disease will be assembling a cohort of 3000 patients. A cohort is a group of people with one or more shared symptoms related to the Oro-Dental Rare Diseases research project.
For more information
Healthcare professionals: Do you have a patient with a rare disease?
Perhaps you have patients with rare diseases that present oro-dental manifestations. If you would like to know more, you can consult specialist reference articles and/or information sheets describing the main anomalies to facilitate your diagnosis and treatment of your patients.
Refer a patient to us
The Strasbourg Unit for Rare Oro-Dental Diseases is a unique centre for patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals. It is specialised in oro-dental genetics.
Please contact us for more information on the diagnosis and clinical treatment of oral-dental malformations in children and adults or to have specialist opinion (on diagnosis, patient referrals, therapeutic advice).