Season’s greetings

carte_voeux_2014The INTERREG/OS “Oro-dental manifestations of rare diseases” project coordination thanks you deeply for your support and contribution in 2014.
We wish you great holidays and look forward to seeing you in 2015 for new challenges!
Keep smiling and see you soon in the Upper Rhine Valley!

Pr. Agnès Bloch-Zupan
Scientific coordinator

Science Days 2014: the teeth from all sides

16-18 October 2014 – Europa Park – Rust (Germany)

LogoSD14_oURLThe INTERREG/Offensive Science project “Oro-dental manifestations of rare diseases” will participate from October 16th until October 18th 2014 in the Science Days organised by the Förderverein Science & Technologie e.V. in Europa-Park in Rust (Germany).

18 000 visitors participated in the event in 2013. The audience of the scientific and educational activities is composed of pupils (children and adolescents) as well as teachers and families.

Between the 90 stands present during this event, the cross-border research project will propose several activities on the topic “the teeth from all sides”.

The aim of these workshops is to make the visitors aware of the project problematic and the role of the EU in supporting research.

The scientific mediation activities will be animated by project members and students that will enable the visitors to revise their general knowledge of the teeth through playful and interactive activities.

Indeed, the visitors will be asked to recognise the different kinds of teeth as well as to find out the age of a patient with the aid of radiographs. Moreover, they will discover the variability of the gene responsible for dentition through a compared anatomy workshop. They will also discover oral abnormalities as a manifestation of rare diseases.

More information on the Science days and the Förderverein Science & Technologie e.V.:

The “Genosmile”-animation is also registered in the framework of the Dialog Science of the Trinational Metropolitan region upper Rhine.Logo Dialog Science RMTMO

More information on the Dialog Science:


7th Human and Clinical Genetics Congress

29, 30 & 31 January 2014, Bordeaux
The Human and Clinical Genetic Congress is the venue for all those involved in the field to meet up every two years in a major French city. The conferences welcome over 1,400 participants, partner representatives and exhibitors as well as nearly twenty local and national associations that regularly attend the event.
The partners of our project will be at the conference to share the results of their research via an oral presentation on the RSK2 gene (a modulator of craniofacial development) and during the poster session on the subject of‘monogenic diseases: from the clinic to the mechanism’.
Presentations and posters’ abstracts can be consulted in the compendium available on the congress website: (pdf)