Call for bids: panel next generation sequencing (PNGS) reagents
For our gene identification project funded by INTERREG A27, we intend to use commercial kits for the construction of genomic DNA libraries and exon sequence enrichment from these
DNA libraries. For this specific bid, we need to construct and sequence custom-built libraries to analyze a minimum of 1000 patient samples in parallel for 521 specific genes involved in human dental and skeletal development. Methods may involve the following: a chip-based tiling exon oligonucleotide microarray is synthesized and used to create a pool of biotinylated nucleic acids or baits. The capture reagent baits may be RNA or DNA and may vary in length from 60 to 120 nt. Baits may be incubated with adapter-ligated DNA libraries in solution over 24-72 hours, allowing the hybridization of bait to target sequences. We are equipped to capture bait-target hybrids by streptavidin magnetic microbeads. A secondary LM-PCR is intended to generate sufficient DNA for sequencing.
Enriched libraries will be validated by Agilent BioAnalyzer for size distribution. Samples are intended for sequencing on semiconductor-based NGS platforms (IonTorrent (PGM), IonProton; both from LifeTechnologies). All reagents considered for this bid will have to be compatible with these instruments. Chip-based PNGS-library construction kits will also have to be compatible with next generation sequencing chemistry from LifeTechnologies.
This bid is open for 14 days from the day of publishing, ending on May 27, 2015.
Download the call for bids (pdf)
Call for bids: whole exome sequencing (WES) reagents
For our gene identification project funded by INTERREG A27, we intend to use commercial kits for the construction of genomic DNA libraries and exon sequence enrichment from these
DNA libraries. For this specific bid, we need to construct and sequence exome libraries from 96 patient samples. Methods may involve the following: a tiling exon oligonucleotide microarray
is synthesized and used to create a pool of biotinylated nucleic acids or baits. The capture reagent baits may be RNA or DNA and may vary in length from 60 to 120 nt. Baits may be incubated with adapter-ligated DNA libraries in solution over 24-72 hours, allowing the hybridization of bait to target sequences. We are equipped to capture bait-target hybrids by
streptavidin magnetic microbeads. A secondary LM-PCR is intended to generate sufficient DNA for sequencing.
Enriched libraries will be validated by Agilent BioAnalyzer for size distribution. We will perform a real-time SYBR Green PCR using 6 exon-intron pairs to compare equal masses of whole-genome and exon-captured libraries. An exon-capture experiment is considered successful if all six exons are enriched and all six introns are depleted; this proxy method allows detection of failed capture experiments before sequencing is initiated.
Samples are intended for sequencing on a SOLiD 5500xl platform. All reagents considered for this bid will have to be compatible with this instrument. WES library construction kits will also have to be compatible with next generation sequencing chemistry from Life technologies.
This bid is open for 14 days from the day of publishing, ending on May 5, 2015.
Download the call for bids (pdf)
Dienstleister für Dissektionsmakroskop gesucht
Das INTERREG-Projekt Wissenschaftsoffensive Nr. A 27 „Manifestationen seltener Krankheiten im Mund- und Zahnbereich“ sucht einen Dienstleister für ein Dissektionsmakroskop zur Beobachtung von Mäuseembryonen (Etappe E14.5 bis E18.5) und zur Mikrodissektion von Embryonalzähnen (200 Mikrometer), das ferner die RNA-Mikroinjektion in Zahnkeime und die anschließende Elektroporierung mittels geeigneten Elektroden erlaubt.
- Eine breite Basis, die das Anbringen zweier Mikromanipulationsvorrichtungen ermöglicht
- Objektive mit großem Tiefenfeld
- flexible Vergrößerung zum Einsatz in unterschiedlichen Umfeldern (Vergrößerungsspektrum 5x bis 600x)
- Aufnahme mikroskopischer und makroskopischer Bilder
- Höhe des Arbeitsplatzes: über 22 cm
Angebote sind einzureichen bei Agnès Bloch-Zupan:
Eingabefrist: 10.05.2013